How to fix the Image File Execution Options issue

Wise Cleaner
6 min readJun 17, 2022


Meta Description: Are you looking for a solution to the Image File Execution option issue? Read the article and try Wise Registry cleaner to clean and remove incorrect debugging code.

How to fix the Image File Execution Options issue


Image File Execution Option or IFEO is relatively standard for the developers as they often do it to debug the software and helps the system from malware attack. Technically it’s not rocket science, and the process is simple; the only thing you need to know is how to enter the debugging hotkey in the executable file. This article will discuss how to fix image file execution options issues and if you plan to perform the task and don’t know how to do it, stay with the write-up and get the insights.

What is Image File Execution?

Image File Execution options come in handy for the developers to fix the system problem and prevent the program from suspicious activity. The debugging code adopted by OSO virus for antivirus software helps maintain software and prevent the website from serious cyber threats. The debugging code can disable any malicious bug that can destroy your site permanently.

Generally, IFEO settings are available in the Windows Registry. When developers need to debug their software, they set it through the registry key option. Developers can simply attach any program to any executable registry key using the below code:

HKEY_LOCAL _MACHINE\Software\Microsoft Windows NT\ Current Version\Image File Executor

_ add the Value

“Debugger”=” {full path to the debbugger}

That’s it!

Why do developers prefer the Image File Execution Option?

The Image File Execution option is to fix the malware issue in the website or any system. Inside the system path, developers need to check the debugging to prevent the malware from further damaging or modifying the program from the backend. Image Execution File is primarily used for security purposes as malware attacks can damage a whole system, and crucial information can be compromised.

What is the drawback of the Image File Execution Option?

You cannot apply the option if you have already installed antivirus software to safeguard your system software. The File execution technology used by Trojan and antivirus software restricted the operation further.

How to fix the Image File execution option?

If you wrongly enter any incorrect image file execution option, you can fix it yourself. You can delete Or remove the Debugger code or open the Registry Editor and remove the Debugger in the correct registry key.

If you feel it’ll take a long time to fix the issue, you can take help from Wise Registry Cleaner. Let’s know how the professional tool is helpful in a broader sense.

Wise Registry Cleaner: A productive Tool

Wise Registry Cleaner is a free software to fix registry cleaning and optimize the speed of your laptop. The software helps repair Windows registry errors, defragment Windows registry and keep PC at high performance. The tool can also clean the registry junk and free up the necessary space to run the program without further issues. The multi-functional software is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and all the latest and previous Windows versions.

Key Features

Wise Registry Cleaner offers its users a wide range of features and functions. If you want to install the tool, you need to understand its features first. It includes:

Registry Problem Solution and Boost up your PC

If you set the wrong debug code, the tool can erase it. The tool can remove various obsolete items, defrag the registry, and fix the residual and corrupted items in Windows.

A Comprehensive User

If several hands use your PC or laptop, you need to clean the registry as various users leave behind the browsing history, cache files, and online login details in the registry, which you need to remove.

Restore and Backup the System

With its auto-backup option, the Wise registry tool can automatically backup the registry data before going for permanent deletion. Further, it can create a system restore point automatically before defragmenting.

Note: If you’re planning for network configuration changes, you can avail of its registry backup and system restore point manually

Optimize the system setting to upgrade the Performance

The tool can help you to optimize the system, improve the performance, help settle down with its system ability, and extend the lifespan of SSD, including internet speed.

Scheduled Auto Registry Cleaning

If you’re busy with your meetings and various visits, you can schedule the auto clean-up process daily, weekly, or monthly. You can change the setting, make Clean with the 1 Click icon, and place it on your desktop screen. Within a click, the cleanup process will start.

Customized Cleanup Options for the Advanced Users

The tool offers two modes of the scan, Fast Scan, and Deep Scan. You can customize the scan option and enable the setting and scan of the customs area, invalid ActiveX and COM components, invalid software paths, and many more.

How to use Wise Registry Cleaner to clean your Windows registry?

The tool can help you remove the debug code from the Windows registry and clear the obsolete registry entries. Fix registry errors within a short time. Let’s learn the process.

Step 1: Scan the Windows registry

Once you launch the program, you’ll get three scan programs: Fast, Deep, and Custom area. If you’re a new user, start from a Fast scan.

Step 2: Review the Scan result

Once you finish the scan, check the scan result. If you want a specific scan expansion, the results will display on the screen. If you don’t want to include any entry, can click on Ignore Selected Entry

Step 3: Choose the registry entries

Once you have thoroughly checked, click on the green button Clean to delete Or remove an invalid registry from your PC

The tool has offered advanced functions to remove the obsolete registry entries that are very harmful to computer and PC software functioning. The wrong image file execution code can damage the security as well. If you have queries regarding it, check the FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Wise Registry Cleaner remove the wrong debug code?

Yes, once you install the software and allow it to scan your Windows Registry, it can scan the wrong IFEO option, immediately remove it, and help you fix the security issue in the backend.

Why malware is a threat to system software?

Malware is a bug and can damage or corrupt the system software. The primary target of any malware is to completely destroy the original system and run parallel operations to get all the data. With the increase in online activities, it’s easy to enter malware bugs into system software that is not secured and can ultimately damage the system.

Can antivirus protect from spamming and malware attacks?

It depends on which powerful antivirus you opt out of to safeguard your system software. Before purchasing the antivirus, you must check out the features and functions before installing it on your PC.


Image File Execution option can disable software function through entering a code. Developers prefer to do it for debugging the system software by replacing application which is responsible for bug or malware threat. Wise Registry Cleaners can customize the system software by scanning the system thoroughly and quickly fixing the invalid or corrupted registry entries. If you want to boost the system speed, install the tool and allow it to scan, detect, and remove obsolete items from the Windows registry.

