Registry Items/Entries: Meaning, Importance, and Solution to Fix Broken Registry Entries

Wise Cleaner
8 min readSep 9, 2022



Generally, a registry stores all the databases of Windows computers. But what if you encounter an issue of a broken or corrupted registry? There can be multiple reasons for a damaged registry item. Some of them include:

● Fragmented registry because of a software update

● Malware and impending viruses issues

● System shutdown errors

● Power failure or power outage

● Faulty hardware and file corruption

● Frequent or unexpected crashes

● Manual deletion or accidental changes to registry keys and values

Suppose you are the one dealing with such issues. In this case, you need not worry anymore. Finally, you have arrived at the right site. Here we will assist you with the complete knowledge of the Windows registry, its benefits, and the top eight ways to fix broken registry items. In addition, you will also learn about innovative software using which you can repair damaged or corrupted registry entries with a click.

What Is Windows Registry?

The Windows registry is an extensive hierarchical database of entries that stores the configuration settings and manages the resources for system applications. Its primary function is to configure programs on Windows PC, store the data regarding the login details, store the archive of the software, monitor the system performance, and diagnose the system errors. The two primary elements of a Windows registry are keys and values.

Some advantages of the Windows registry include:

1. Fix the issues of system crashes.

2. Edit the registry to change parts of the desktop settings (for an improved user experience).

3. Speeds up the system performance.

4. Stores all the essential information for future use.

5. The registry creates the new key or folder for any new software installed.

6. Acts as a system database to store all the hardware and software information.

7. Stores data for the programmer and other users for urgent use.

8. Periodic cleaning of the registry makes it more efficient.

Multiple Ways to Fix Broken Registry Items

A few manual and automatic methods to fix broken registry items/entries are:

1. Run Windows automatic repair to fix registry issues

2. Use the DISM Command

3. Use the System file checker to repair system files

4. Use system restore

5. Reset the Windows system

6. Restore a Registry backup

7. Repairing the Windows registry properly

8. Use a professional Registry cleaner software

Typically, the Windows registry controls and manages the basic configuration settings on your device. So unless you are entirely sure of your acts, you must not access or edit them. However, before performing any function on the same, you must thoroughly know how the Windows registry works. However, before making any changes to the broken registry, you must first create a backup.

We have suggested some manual methods, but for greater authenticity, you can use a professional tool like Wise Registry Cleaner to serve your purpose with a click. Let us understand the working of this genius solution in detail below.

Wise Registry Cleaner: A One-Stop Registry Cleaner and Optimizer

Wise Registry Cleaner is a professional, free registry cleaner and optimizer to clean registry junks, defragment Windows registry, repair Windows registry errors, and enhance the performance of your system. Using the Wise Registry Cleaner, you can clean up your Windows registry of the Windows system within a few minutes.

Its advanced algorithms include:

● Registry Cleaner

● System Tuneup

● Registry Defrag

Now you can clean obsolete entries, and fix registry errors like invalid startup entries, invalid ActiveX and COM components, useless or outdated uninstallation information, etc.

Let us quickly check the other notable features of this fantastic software.

What Makes the Wise Registry Cleaner an Excellent Solution to Fix Broken Registry Items?

Wise Registry Cleaner is an excellent solution to scan and fix broken and corrupted registry entries. Some of the other features of this intelligent software include:

Fixes registry problems:

Registry grows upon the usage of the Windows system. Eventually, even the obsolete items in the registry grow, leading to system crashes and performance degradation. This robust software scans, finds, and fixes the registry errors and other residual things in the registry and cleans and defrags them.

Cleans multi-user registry:

So suppose there are multiple users for a single system like home computers or public computers. In this case, the person (user) with administrative rights can quickly scan and fix all the user’s registries to clean them at once. Therefore, you must not log in under an individual account.

Boosts computer performance:

Wise Registry Cleaner helps boost computer performance by fixing the corrupted and residual items in the Windows registry. This way, your system will run faster and become more stable.

Schedules automatic registry cleaning:

You can automatically clean and fix your registry entries according to your need. For example, you can clean the registry daily, weekly, or monthly. Once the time is up, the Wise Registry Cleaner will automatically clean up the registry error in the background.

Clean with one click:

You can also clean with one click by creating an icon on the desktop. So this way, you can tap on the icon directly and clean and fix the registry errors without opening the application.

Backup and restore Windows System:

Wise Registry Cleaner is one of the greatest and safest registry cleaners and defragmenters. It backs up the device before any system cleaning takes place. You can also use the option to back up and restore the computer to an earlier state.

● Before the cleanup takes place, the automatically backed-up registry entries delete.

● Before defragmenting the Windows registry, it automatically creates a system restore point.

You can always manually create a full registry backup or system restore point before making significant changes to your Windows system.

Optimizes system settings for more extraordinary performance:

You can now use the Wise Registry Cleaner software to optimize the registry settings and improve the system’s performance. It includes system startup and shutdown speeding up, improving system stability, extending the SSD’s lifespan, and operating speed and internet speed.

At a click after optimization, you will notice a drastic improvement in the performance of your Windows system. Fortunately, these optimizations are generally reversible. However, you can quickly restore the settings of the registry to the computer defaults.

Clean-up options for advanced users:

The Wise Registry Cleaner offers two modes of scanning- Fast Scan and Deep Scan.

● You can customize the items for scanning in the Custom Area or select the multiple options available to you, like, invalid software paths, obsolete startup program entries, invalid ActiveX and COM components, Image file execution, etc.

● You can also exclude the registry items you do not intend to clean with specific words in them.

How to Fix Broken Registry Items Using Wise Registry Cleaner

Wise Registry Cleaner can quickly scan and fix the corrupted or invalid registry entries using the below-given easy and quick steps:

Step 1: Download and launch the Wise Registry Cleaner:

Firstly, you must download and launch the Wise Registry Cleaner on your Windows PC.

Step 2: Scan registry for Windows:

After launching the software on your device, you shall open the app’s main interface. On opening it, you will find three buttons:

Fast Scan: to scan only the safe entries

Deep Scan: used as full scan mode for advanced users

Custom Area: to review customized entries

Note: Suppose you are a beginner or hold less knowledge in the technical area. In this case, we recommend you use the Fast Scan option.

Step 3: Review the scanned result:

After the Wise Registry Cleaner has finished its scanning process, a list will appear before you. Expanding a specific section will display the details of the issues scanned. You can also uncheck if you do not intend to delete an entry. You can also opt to right-click on an item and select Ignore Selected Entry.

Step 4: Clean the chosen registry entries:

Once you review all the scanned files, you must click the green-colored Clean button to remove the invalid registry from your Windows system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should you clean your registry entries?

Whether to clean the registry entries or not should not be a matter of choice. Instead, it should be a compulsion to improve and boost the performance of your system. However, if the key components of the registry entries are broken even then, the registry cleaning program becomes useless.

What is the best method to fix and clean the registry entries in the Windows system?

There are multiple methods to clean and fix the registry entries manually. However, it would be best if you resorted to a professional tool like Wise Registry Cleaner to resolve your registry problems within a click.

Is the Wise Registry Cleaner free software?

Wise Registry Cleaner is free software. However, the trial version of the software is restricted with certain limitations. Instead, you can upgrade to a pro version anytime with its guaranteed money-back policy.

Final Wrap Up

Windows registry is a vulnerable part; a broken registry can harm your computer system. The registry contains the essential database of the system. Hence, you must ensure its proper usage. You can also lose your crucial data if it is not fixed in time. But before reaching out for the solution, it is vital to track the right problem in the nick of time.

We have already mentioned the manual fixing of a broken or corrupted registry. However, you must always be careful while making a rational decision. You must not interfere with the system manually if you are a novice or do not hold technical knowledge. Instead, relying on professional software like the Wise Registry Cleaner would be best.

Choosing a registry cleaner like Wise Registry Cleaner can effectively deal with the broken registry items on your system. The best part of using Wise Registry Cleaner is that you need not even install it on your system. Instead, you can take it on any flash drive and run it on the required PC or laptop to fix the registry entries.

However, remember that you must always back up the computer system before performing any function.

